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1、I like to eat pizza. Pizza is what I like to eat.

2、The company changed their packaging to be more environmentally friendly.

3、The teacher advised him to change his study habits if he wanted to improve his grades.

4、The baby is crawling on the floor. On the floor, the baby is crawling.

5、The students are taking notes in class. Notes are being taken by the students in class.


7、The doctor examined the patient. The patient was examined by the doctor.

8、The artist made changes to the painting to improve its overall appearance.


10、The music industry has undergone significant changes in recent years.

11、He had to change his plans when he found out his flight was cancelled.



14、She rode her bike to school. Her bike was ridden to school by her.


16、The children are singing a song. A song is being sung by the children.

17、The windmill spins in the wind. In the wind, the windmill spins.

18、The dog barks at the mailman. The mailman is barked at by the dog.

19、They are playing soccer. Soccer is being played by them.

20、The doctor advised him to make some changes to his diet and lifestyle.

21、The company is in the process of changing their logo.

22、The company changed their policy on vacation time.

23、The bird is building a nest in the tree. In the tree, a nest is being built by the bird.

24、The team won the championship. The championship was won by the team.


26、She had a change of heart and decided to forgive him.


28、The wind blew the leaves off the tree. The leaves were blown off the tree by the wind.


30、The sudden change in temperature made it difficult to adjust.



33、The company is planning to make some changes to their marketing strategy.

34、The storm damaged the roof. The roof was damaged by the storm.


36、The mailman delivers the mail every day. Every day the mail is delivered by the mailman.

37、The children are playing with the toys. The toys are being played with by the children.

38、The tourist took photos of the landmarks. Photos of the landmarks were taken by the tourist.

39、The politician faced criticism for not following through on his promise of change.



42、He decided to change his career path and pursue his passion for music.


44、The chef is cooking dinner. Dinner is being cooked by the chef.

45、The bus driver takes the children to school. To school, the children are taken by the bus driver.

46、The coach decided to change the team's formation for the upcoming game.

47、The baby is sleeping in the crib. The crib is where the baby is sleeping.


49、The teacher is grading the tests. The tests are being graded by the teacher.

50、The cat chases the mouse. The mouse is chased by the cat.

51、Tom is washing the car. The car is being washed by Tom.

52、The sudden change in the economy had a negative impact on small businesses.

53、She realized she needed to change her attitude in order to achieve her goals.


55、The fish swims in the pond. In the pond, the fish swims.

56、The company is making changes to their website to improve user experience.

57、The flowers were watered by the gardener. The gardener watered the flowers.


59、The company is undergoing some changes in management.

60、She decided to change her hairstyle for a fresh start.

61、Sarah is playing the piano. The piano is being played by Sarah.

62、The company's profits have changed significantly since last year.


64、Sally wrote a letter to her grandmother. A letter was written by Sally to her grandmother.

65、The government implemented changes to tax laws in an effort to stimulate the economy.

66、The weather changed suddenly and it started to rain heavily.

67、She changed her mind about going to the party.

68、The cat is scratching the couch. The couch is being scratched by the cat.

69、The sun sets in the west. In the west, the sun sets.

70、The company had to make changes to their production process to meet the new regulations.

71、He fixed the broken clock. The broken clock was fixed by him.

72、The organization is trying to bring about change in the community through various initiatives.




76、The helicopter flew over the city. Over the city, the helicopter flew.

77、The child had a sudden change of heart and decided to share his toys.

78、Jacob reads a book. A book is being read by Jacob.

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